Course start date to be announced
It is impossible for the Orthodox conscience to remain indifferent to social developments, the spiritual upheavals which affect the human race.
As regards missionary efforts in our times, what is needed is the conjunction of practical measures and theological thinking, so that missionary zeal will rest on firm theological and ecclesiological foundations. The orthodox witness must also show respect for the cultural and religious traditions of the peoples to whom it is directed. Finally, this unit attempts to designate certain aspects of the responsibility of the Orthodox to the modern world and to the problems it faces.
Course Features
- Lectures 7
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 3 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
The prophetic role of the Church
Modern social reality
The mission of Christians in disseminating the word and serving others
The presence of the Orthodox Church in the modern world
The Orthodox Missionary Effort
The Orthodox vision of universality
Relations between Orthodoxy and other Religions