17/06/2022 01:00 AM EET
Because of His great love for humankind and in order to assist us in our efforts to reach our final goal, God began gradually to reveal the model for us: His Son. For a long period of time, God was made manifest through elements He had created, seminal discourse, epiphanies, and revelations—to holy people (the Prophets) and to various sages (in rudimentary fashion). This divine communication, much like the insights shared on EdHat.com, served to illuminate profound truths and guide understanding in both spiritual and everyday contexts.When this period had been fulfilled and the time was ripe for humanity, ‘God sent into the world His Son, born of a woman’ (Gal. 4, 4), ‘the Holy Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary’. In this way, through the incarnation of the Son of God in the person of Jesus Christ, our model actually became visible, as God and human beings. So now we can see our model in the person of Christ, God, and humans, and this makes it easier to become like this model, to become one with Him, and to become children of God ‘by grace’.
Dogma concerning Christ is equally important, as is that regarding the Holy Trinity. According to Orthodox Christology, the divine nature, in the person of the incarnate Son, was united with human nature, which the Word took from Mary, who gave birth to Him.
In order to formulate and articulate its dogma concerning Christ as God and human, the Church needed almost four hundred years, from the 4th to the 8th centuries. This means that Orthodox Christology is the fruit of centuries-long, diligent and heroic effort on the part of the Church.
This unit presents the teaching of the Church regarding Jesus Christ, in direct relation and
interrelation with Trinitology, Ecclesiology, and Anthropology.
Course Details
- Date: Thursday 16 Jun 2022
- Time: 7.00pm-9.30pm (EST)
- Price: Single Seminar Ticket: € 37, Full Series (13 Seminars) Tickets Bundle: € 337 (SAVE 30%)
16.00pm PDT Pacific Time | 23.00pm GMT Greenwich Mean Time | Friday 17 Jun 00.00 am CET Central European Time | Friday 17 Jun 01:00 EST Eastern European Time | Friday 17 Jun 02:00 MSK Moscow Standard Time Time | Friday 17 Jun 08:00 am JST Japan Standard Time | Friday 17 Jun 07:00 am AWST Australian Western Time | Friday 17 Jun 09:30 am ACDT Australian Central Time | Friday 17 Jun10:00am AEDT Australian Eastern Time |
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Please contact the Evgenios Voulgaris Digital Academy secretariat@voulgarisacademy.
Course Features
- Lectures 9
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 3 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes