a) Prioritizing the essence to the detriment of the person, and unity at the expense of the community are defining factors for shaping the moral and social concepts and norms of people’s life.
b) Identifying the energy of God with his essence objectifies God and debases his real relationship with the world through his uncreated energies. In this way, Christianity becomes a mere religion, and alienation becomes a feature of the personal and social relationships between people and God and among themselves.
c) The productive concept of unity, as this is presented in the Papist notion of the unity of the Church, as well as the Protestant ideal- developed in opposition to Rome- of a multitude of ecclesiastical authorities, in which the unity of the Church is to be sought in the state; the outlook which made the filioque a dogma; and the whole course of the history of the philosophical and social currents in the West bear evidence of the preference for a theoretical concept of things, to the detriment of the inductive, empirical outlook.
The non-negotiable dogmatic truths of the Orthodox Church are contained in the Creed formulated by the 2nd Ecumenical Synod and are as follows:
A) The Church of Christ is one. Orthodoxy does not accept the theory of branches; of many Churches.
B) The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. The Orthodox Church does not accept the filioque, nor the consequences which result from this dogmatic theory.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes