31/05/2022 01:00 ΑΜ ΕΕΤ
A fundamental distinction in Orthodox Theology is that between the created and the uncreated.
Only the Triune God is uncreated in the sense of having no cause of creation. The spiritual and
the tangible world are created from a cause.
1. The most basic doctrine of the Orthodox Church is Trinitology. In accordance with this, God is One and, at the same time, Triune. To be more precise, the Fathers say that ‘God is a unit and, simultaneously, a trinity’. God is one in essence, or in His nature. He is triune as regards His persons or His hypostases (modes of being). Through his life and work, Christ revealed the true image of God to us. God is a communion of three consubstantial persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God’s Triunity is the bedrock of Orthodox theology and anthropology.
2. Even before God created the cosmos (light, heaven, earth, water, plants, animals, and people), He had created the Angels. The Angels are spiritual, heavenly beings. Since they do not have a material body, as we do, they are also called ‘bodiless’. They have no need for food and do not die. The whole complement of Angels is organized into 9 orders or companies The main task of the Angels is to glorify God unceasingly, while a secondary mission, after the creation of humankind, is to serve the great events of Divine Providence (that is, God’s plan to save us) and to have a care for our salvation.
3. The Saints are people who loved God with all their hearts and honored him with their lives. The Saints of our Church are not other-worldly beings, but people exactly like ourselves. Sanctity is the open invitation of the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, addressed to all people, in every age, to share in His Cross, which is the guarantee of the success of our personal Resurrection. The Saints of our faith really are the priceless treasure of Orthodoxy and the crown of each local Church, both for their witness to the faith and their radiation of divine grace to the world. It was for precisely these reasons that, from its very first institution, the Church established the celebration of their memory on the day of their martyrdom or their blessed demise. The faithful are called upon to take them as an example as regards their spiritual achievements, through which they proved themselves to be imitators of the standard of the author and perfector of our faith, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why we invoke their aid and intercession.
Course Details
- Date: Monday 30 May 2022
- Time: 7.00pm-9.30pm (EST)
- Price: Single Seminar Ticket: € 37, Full Series (13 Seminars) Tickets Bundle: € 337 (30% Discount)
16.00pm PDT Pacific Time | 23.00pm GMT Greenwich Mean Time | Tuesday 01 Jun 00.00am CET Central European Time | Tuesday 01 Jun 01:00 EST Eastern European Time | Tuesday 01 Jun 02:00 MSK Moscow Standard Time Time | Tuesday 01 Jun 08:00am JST Japan Standard Time | Tuesday 01 Jun 07:00am AWST Australian Western Time | Tuesday 01 Jun 09:30am ACDT Australian Central Time | Tuesday 01 Jun 10:00am AEDT Australian Eastern Time |
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Course Features
- Lectures 4
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 3 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes