Protopresbyter Constantin Coman
Professor of the Theological School, University of Bucharest
Born 1953
1983 Doctor of the Theological School of the University of Athens, with a thesis on The Church of the Pastoral Epistles, supervised by Professor Savvas Agouridis
1984 Assistant at the chair of Biblical Studies of the Theological School of the University of Bucharest
1994 Lecturer at the chair of the New Testament
1999 Reader
2002 Full Professor
Field of immediate scholarly interest: Interpretation of Sacred Texts and Biblical Theology Θεολογία
- Η Εκκλησιά των Ποιμαντικών Επιστολών, (The Church of the Pastoral Epistles) Athens, 1983
- Ortodoxia sub presiunea istoriei (Orthodoxy under the Pressure of History), Bucharest, 1995 (304 pp.)
- Biblia în Biserică. Studii de ermineutică biblică (The Bible in the Church. Studies in Biblical hermeneutics), Bucharest, 1997
- Ermina Duhului. Contribuții la o Ermineutică duhovnicească (Interpreting the Holy Spirit. A Contribution to the Hermeneutics of the Holy Spirit, Bucharest, 2002
- Prin fereastra Bisericii sau O lectură teologică a realității (Proposals for a Theological Reading of Reality), Bucharest, 2007
- Dreptatea lui Dumnezeu și dreptatea oamenilor (The Justice of God and the Justice of Man), Bucharest, 2010
- Η εν Αγίω Πνεύματι ερμηνεία των Γραφών, (Interpreting the Scriptures in the Holy Spirit) Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, The Holy Mountain, 2012
He has translated from Greek into Romanian and has published 12 books of a spiritual and theological nature.
Together with the Greek theologian Georgou Papaefthymiou he translated Fr. Dimitri Staniloae’s Orthodox Dogmatic Theology into Greek.
He has published more than 150 studies and articles in Romanian and other journals (Greek, English, French and Russian).
He has taken part in and organized many ecclesiastical and academic international conferences.
1998-2006 Associate Dean of the Theological School of the University of Bucharest and Member of the University Senate
2008-2012 President of the Chair of Biblical Studies of the Theological School, University of Bucharest
2006-2010 Chairman of the special committee of the Ministry of Education on the recognition of academic and scientific theological qualifications
1990-2000 Editor-in-chief of Orthodox Messenger, the newspaper of the Romanian Orthodox Church
2000-2006 Editor-in-chief of the Yearbook of the Theological School
2005-2006 Editor-in-chief of Studii Teologice (Theological Studies), the journal of the Theological Schools of the Patriarchate of Romania.
2008 – Member of the Committee for Patristic Translations, Patriarchate of Romania.
1998 Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne