Prof. Nikolaos Koios
1987-89: General studies at Athonias Academy in Mount Athos.
1989-93: Undergraduate studies at Theology Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
1994-97: Postgraduate studies at the Theology Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and at Ludwigs – Maximillian Universitaet of Munich under the Erasmus program.
2003: Doctoral thesis on: “Ethical consideration of technical interventions to the Human Genome” supervised by Professor of Christian Ethics and Sociology of Theology Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Dr. Georgios Mantzaridis. Part of the research for the doctoral thesis took place at Hastings bioethics Centre in New York, U.S.A., where I participated in scientific collaborations and intensive seminars on topics on bioethics and environmental ethics, as a scholar visitor, during the period 16 February – 26 March 1999.
2005: Post-doctoral research, with the guidance of emeritus professor of Christian Ethics and Sociology, Georgios Mantzaridis, on the investigation of the relation between the fundamental concepts of Autonomy and Heteronomy in Orthodox Ethics. The research results are included in the book “Επ’ ελευθερία εκκλήθητε: Αυτονομία και Ετερονομία στην Ηθική” (Summoned in freedom: Autonomy and Heteronomy in Ethics)
Associate Professor on the subject “Christina Ethics and Bioethics” at the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki.
Director of the Program of Pastoral Studies at the UEATh
Member of the Collaborating Scientific Staff of the Hellenic Open University, on the program “Studies in Orthodox Theology” for postgraduate students. Special theme: “Orthodoxy as cultural achievement and the problems of modern man”.
Content Coach of e-magazine Pemptousia (www.pemptousia.gr) on the genres of Religion- Science – Culture.
Academic coordinator for the Erasmus program in the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki.
Member of the Foundation of Pastoral Education of the Church of Greece.
2006, November – 2009, August: secondment at professor post as visiting lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) in the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Ludwigs Maximilian Universität of Munich, on Systematic Theology.
“Ηθική Θεώρηση των τεχνικών παρεμβάσεων στο ανθρώπινο γονιδίωμα” (Ethical consideration of technical interventions to the Human Genome), editions: Hellenic Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Athens 2003.
“Επ’ ελευθερία εκλήθητε”, Αυτονομία και Ετερονομία στην Ηθική” (Summoned in freedom: Autonomy and Heteronomy in Ethics), editions: Ath. Stamoulis, Athens 22006.
“Εμπειρία και Θεολογία κατά τον Γέροντα Σωφρόνιο” [Experience and Theology according to Geron Sofronios (1896 – 1993)], editions: Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopedi, Mount Athos, 2007.
“Συνοδικά κείμενα Ορθοδόξων Εκκλησιών για θέματα Βιοηθικής” (Texts of the Synod of Orthodox churches on Bioethics), editions: Hellenic Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Athens 2008.
Ζητήματα Εφαρμοσμένης Ηθικής υπό το φως της Ορθόδοξης Θεολογίας, (Questions of applied ethics under the light of Orthodox Theology) Θεσσαλονίκη 2017.
«Der Beginn des Lebens aus orthodoxer Sicht»: in the volume of Ulrich H.J. Körtner/Günter Virt/Dietrich v. Engelhardt/franz Haslinger(Hg), Lebensanfang und Lebensende in den Weltreligionen. Beiträge zur einen interkulturellen Medizinethik, Neukirchen-Vluyn (Neukirchener Verlag) 2006.
«Das Lebensende aus orthodoxer Sicht»: in the volume of Ulrich H.J. Körtner/Günter Virt/Dietrich v. Engelhardt/franz Haslinger(Hg), Lebensanfang und Lebensende in den Weltreligionen. Beiträge zur einen interkulturellen Medizinethik, Neukirchen-Vluyn (Neukirchener Verlag) 2006.
«Embryo and Fetus as seen by Orthodox Church», ed. Asim Kurjak, Frank Chervenak, Controversies on the Beginning of Human Life, Jaypee 2008, p.117-128.
“Δόγμα και Ήθος στα έργα του Γέροντος Σωφρονίου (Σαχάρωφ)” (Dogma and Ethos in the works of Geron Sofronios), in volume: Γέρων Σωφρόνιος ο Θεολόγος του Ακτίστου Φωτός (Geron Sofronios, the Theologist of Holy Light), editions: Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopedi 2008, pp. 203-214.
Nikolaos Koios, Harikleia Pitsou “Προγεννητική διάγνωση: οικογένεια, παιδί, ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα” (Prenatal Diagnosis: family, child, human rights) in volume Οικογένεια και νέες μορφές γονεϊκότητας (Family and new forms of parenting) by N. Papachristopoulos, Kiriaki Samartzi, editions: Opportuna 2012, pp. 835-856. (This volume is distributed as a textbook in Technical Educational Institute of Patras, the University of Patras and Panteion University)
“Γενετική Ηθική, μία Βιοηθική επισκόπηση” (Genetic Ethics, a Bioethical review) in the annals of the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, in honour of late Archbishop of Athens, Christodoulos, pp.235-250.
Nikolaos Koios, Lambrini Veloyanni, Demetrios Alvanos: «Evolution of Medical Ethics and Bioethics in Greece: “Ancient-Christian-
“Κλωνοποίηση, ”Βιοηθική και Ορθόδοξη Ηθική” (Cloning, Bioethics and Orthodox Ethics), Scientific Annals of the Theology School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, vol. 11 Thessaloniki 2001, pp. 167-190.
“Theological Anthropology and Human Germ-Line Intervention”, Christian Bioethics vol. 18, issue 2 2012, pp. 187–200.
CEC Conference on Bioethics, 25 August 2012, on the website http://www.pemptousia.gr.
Άνθρωπος και Περιβάλλον κατά τον Μέγα Βασίλειο (Man and Environment according to Saint Basil the Great), Agios Seraphim: Quarterly edition by the Holy See of Thessaly and Fanariofarsala, v. 18, Jan.-Mar. 2010, p. 8-10.
“Η βιοηθική ως πολιτισμικό φαινόμενο” (Bioethics as a cultural phenomenon) in magazine Iatrika Themata, vol. 41, Jan. – Feb. – Mar. 2006, p. 7—15.