Fr. Andrew Cuneo
St. Vladimir’s: M.Div. in Theology, 2010. Summa cum laude.
Oxford: D. Phil. in English Literature, 2001
Dissertation: “The Literary Letters of C.S. Lewis”
Merton College, Oxford University
- Phil. in English Renaissance Literature, 1997
Merton College, Oxford University
Stanford: B. A. in English Literature, 1994
Conferred with Departmental Honors and University Distinction Stanford University
Priest, Founder & Rector: St Katherine of Alexandria Orthodox Mission, Carlsbad, CA., Orthodox Church in America, Diocese of the West, 2011-present
Assistant Professor of English, St Katherine College, 2011-2014
Priest, attached. St. Seraphim’s Orthodox Church, Santa Rosa, CA. 2010-2011
Assistant Professor of English, Hillsdale College, 2001-2007
Tutor in English Literature Various Overseas Programs, University of Oxford, 1999-2001
Editorial Assistant to Walter Hooper, Literary Advisor to the C. S. Lewis Estate, Oxford, 1997-8
Diocesan Council, Diocese of the West (OCA) 2014-present
Elevated to Archpriest, Nov. 2021
Awarded the Gold Cross, April 2016
Ordination to the Holy Priesthood, St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Nov. 14th 2009
Ordination to the Holy Diaconate, St. Vladimir’s Seminary, March 25th 2009
Tonsured Reader, Holy Ascension Orthodox Church, Albion, MI, May 2007
Parish Council Vice-president & Secretary, Holy Ascension Orthodox Church, Albion, MI 2005-2007
Faculty Advisor to the Orthodox Christian Fellowship, Hillsdale, 2002-2007
“Oxford, 1963, and a Young Boswell”, in C.S. Lewis and the Church: Essays in Honour of Walter Hooper, Eds. J.E. Tonning and B.N. Wolfe. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2011
“Again and Again, Let Us Pray to the Lord”, Again Magazine, Vol. 29, No. 1, Spring 2007
“The Fruits of Chrismation”. Again Magazine, Vol. 28, No. 3, Fall 2006
“The Postman’s Knock: The Literary Letters of C.S. Lewis”. Christian History & Biography, Issue 88, Fall 2005
“His speech has gone out into all lands: The Talking Beasts of Narnia” in Narnia Beckons: C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Beyond. Ed. Ted Baehr. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2005.
Edith Humphrey, Further Up and Further In: Orthodox Conversations with C.S. Lewis on Scripture & Theology, Seven: An Anglo-American Literary Review, 2019
Nicholas Afanassiev, The Church of the Holy Spirit, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 61, No. 1, January 2010
Gene Veith, The Soul of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Seven: An Anglo-American Literary Review, 2006
Joseph Pearce, C. S. Lewis and the Catholic Church, Seven: An Anglo-American Literary Review, 2004
David Downing, The Most Reluctant Convert, Seven: An Anglo-American Literary Review, 2002
Walter M. Hooper, The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis: Volume 1, The Review of English Studies, Vol. 52, No. 208, 2001
Numerous Lectures Given at: Notre Dame, Wheaton College, Thomas Aquinas College, The Center for Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies, Calvin College, Gordon College, Concordia College, and Abilene Christian University, Oxford, 1999-present
Invited Speaker: “Tales from Mt Athos” St Andrew Orthodox Church, Riverside, CA, USA, 2021
Invited Speaker: “The Genesis of Good & Evil” Pacifica Christian Academy, Newport Beach, CA, USA, 2018
Invited Speaker: “The Chronicles of Narnia after 50 Years” Cambridge, England 2001
Numerous Papers Delivered to the Oxford University C. S. Lewis Society Oxford, 1995-2000
Numerous Retreats and Lectures on Orthodoxy & C.S. Lewis, 2010-present
St Vladimir’s Seminary, Serbian Diocesan Assembly, Holy Assumption Monastery, Concordia College, Pacifica Christian Academy, and various Orthodox parishes.
Pilgrimages, 2015-present
Mt Athos & Thessaloniki, Greece (5 times). Moscow, Russia.
Oxford University C.S. Lewis Society, President, 1995-1999
Directed 24 meetings per year of roughly 20 academic papers per year. Hosted visiting speakers.
Raised in Wilton, CT