Prof. George Contogeorgis
George Contogeorgis, Docteur d’Etat (University of Paris) is Professor of Political Science at Panteion University of Athens. Rector of Panteion University (1984-1990), Secretary General of the Hellenic Association of Political Science (1975-1981), member of the High Council and Research Council at the European University Institute of Florence (1985-1994), twice President-General Director of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (1985, 1989), Minister, Ministry of the Presidency (State Administration, Communication, Media) and Government Spokesman (1993), writer in Athenian daily newspapers, member of the Athens Bar Association, etc. Member of many scientific associations, both Greek, French, and international, as well as of the scientific committee of the Journal of Political Science ‘Pôle Sud’ (University of Montpellier), Review Southeastern Europe and scientific correspondent of the Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée. Since 1987, responsible for European programs including a European Masters in Political Science, expert on the E.U. Commission for University Issues. Founding member of the European Network of Political Science(EPSNET) and member of the Administrative Committee. Has taught at many universities such as IEP of Paris, Universities of Brussels, Montpellier, Louvain, Quebec, Toulouse, IEP Lille, IEP Bordeaux, Dauphine, La Rochelle, Rome, Tokyo, Florence, Geneva, Barcelona, Madrid, Salamanca, Granada, Beijing, etc. Director of Research of the French CNRS. Professor, Master in European Studies, University of Siena. Correspondent Academician of the International Academy of Portuguese Culture.